Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Surgery A Success!

Taj had extensive leg repair surgery at The Veterinary Orthopedic Sports Medicine Group in Annapolis Junction, Maryland.  Due to the extensive and complicated nature of his radial injuries, Taj was referred to these specialists.
Side View: Radius Broken at Several Sites (Proximal to Mid-Diaphysis)
and a Transverse Ulna Break

Front View: Severely Broken Radius
Multiple Breaks, Splintering, and Hairline Fractures

One doesn't have to be a orthopedic surgeon to see how bad the splintering is and how much this would have hurt! Standard bone plating with screws or pinning is not an option because of the lack of in-tact bone at the top of the radius. This is hard to see with the x-ray, but there is about 1 cm of in-tact bone at the top (there are hairline fractures that are harder to see). The break likely happened in a twisting / torsion motion.

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